a couple of weeks ago, i heard the quote [i don't remember the quote exactly, so it is not going to get quotation marks...], that in order to be better, you need to surround yourself with those that are better than you. surround yourself with greatness, in order that you might be great. i have been so blessed to be surrounded by great people, and i know that they are making me better. so for the people in my life that make me better, this post is for you.
mom & dad
you both inspire me. you both work hard and have challenged me to go after my dreams. thank you for always reminding me to believe in myself, and for always [eventually] supporting me and my larger than life dreams [i know you are both still getting used to the idea of your daughter being a firefighter]. thank you for setting an example of what it means to live Godly lives. i know that it is through your example that i have a relationship with Christ today. and thank you for your love. on days when i feel alone in the world, i know that i can always turn to you both for endless words of love and inspiration.

i feel so blessed to have had you as my best friend for the past twelve years. all the major ups and downs that i have had in my life, you have been there for. thank you for always being willing to listen to my heart, no matter how ridiculous it may be. you challenge me, and you are always making me a better person. thank you for your endless supply of love and support. thank you for keeping me grounded and never being afraid to tell me the truth, no matter how painful it may be to me. everyone deserves a friend like you.
burckle, detoy, & estrada
all three of you keep my life interesting, to say the least. you all have made me such a stronger person [i guess i am appreciative of all the pranks after all]. the drive and determination you all have inspires me, and is a big reason why i began pursuing firefighting. thank you for your endless lessons on: how to use a grill, on scene parking, disconnecting car batteries, fire apparatuses, and learning how to figure things out on my own. i love you all like family, even if you do tease me about foleys.
you remind me to never give up. you challenge me. you inspire me with your determination. i can't wait till we are firefighters together. i am so thankful for you.
summer start nursing class of 2011
you are some of the most compassionate and caring people i have ever met. you all inspire me with each of your stories. thank you for the constant support and encouragement, i don't know if i could have made it this far without you all. press on guys, we are almost there.
devon & steve
you two have been such a big part of my life throughout my college years. you always are filled with such love and support for me. i am inspired by your love for others. i cannot even begin to describe how much i am going to miss you two when you move to india. but i know God has big things in store for you over there.
grace & margie
i don't know how i would get through nursing school without the two of you. thank you for always being willing to listen to my fears, joys, and heartaches. driving to the hospital after graduation just isn't going to be the same without you both in the car. your love and encouragement has truly made the biggest difference in my life the last two years, i am so thankful for you two.
even though we only got to work together a few months, those few months changed me. you remind me that you can set a Godly example in such a secular line of work. you touched and inspired me with your kindness and servant attitude. keep pushing through your rookie year buddy, newport beach is lucky to have you.
my siblings
jessica, amanda, stephanie, and nathan. you all make my life. you all keep me young. you remind me of the simple things in life, and how they can bring you the most joy. thank you for making up the foundation of me. thank you for the endless childhood memories. thank you teaching me how to dream. thank you for always loving me, even when i am horrible to you. and thank you for always putting on musicals with me when we were kids, because those are definitely my favorite childhood memories. i love you all more than you know.

the rivas men
mike, thank you for marrying my sister and becoming my older brother. i always wanted an older brother. thank you for teaching me about acceptance and unconditional love. quintin and avery, you bring my heart such joy. i am so excited to watch you grow up. you make me want to be a mom. thank you for teaching me about a love that i never knew was possible.

bumpa sawyer and grandma minnick
thank you for your unwavering love my entire life. grandpa, you taught me hard work and that there is grace and such a Godly example of being a man with a calm and quiet spirit. i pray that my husband has your quiet spirit. grandma, thank you for your constant prayers. thank you for teaching me gratitude. you both have made such a huge impact on my life, words cannot even begin to describe.
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