anyhow, today was a full and busy day. first, myself and all of my nursing classmates had to go to an orientation for public health in the county of los angeles. it was....interesting. it was approximately 7 hours long, with different speakers every 1/2 hour. a couple of the speakers were really interesting, while others could have been better. oh well, it is something we get to check off the list for community health nursing.
so, after the orientation, allyn, margie, justine [my nursing classmates and dear dear friends] and myself were all getting together at allyn's house to work on projects that we have due next week [hitting the ground running, as always!]. we started out strong, but the longer we were working on the projects, the more distracted we became. at one point in the evening, we were all looking at engagement rings and what we hope will someday be displayed on our left hand. now, this may come across as sad and pathetic, but we are girls, this is what we do! now, i am not looking or planning on getting engaged or married ANY time soon, but it is still fun to dream and hope of things that might possibly be in the future.

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