on saturday i went to my very first azusa pacific university graduation. i got to see my roommate, bre, graduate, along with some amazing friends. it was so exciting to see everyone walk across that stage and receive a diploma, and what made it especially exciting was the thought that the next time that apu holds a spring commencement ceremony, i will be walking across the stage, finally. 6 years later [yes, i am on the life long plan to get my bachelor's degree], and i will FINALLY be receiving my diploma. everyone keeps saying that this last year is just going to fly by, and i agree with them. this past year has definitely been a whirl wind, and i definitely think that this upcoming year is going to be the same way, praise God. a lot to do before graduation though, just a few things on the check list:
1. take [and PASS] the CPAT [the goal is to have it done by the end of june]
4. begin applying to fire deparments
5. get recertified as an EMT [that is going to be the theme for the month of august]
i know that there is plenty more that will arise over the next year, but those are things that i get to look forward to in the months to come. God has been so faithful the first half of nursing school, and i have no doubt in my mind that he has an adventure planned for me for the second half!
here are a few pictures from the ceremony...

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