you come across people in your life, people that are strong. i really admire those people. my partner had the opportunity to go to joplin, missouri last week to help out with relief work from the tornadoes, and the stories that he brought back with him... they are inspirational, and they reminded of the strength that mankind is capable of, if it chooses to be strong. i don't feel like i should be the one telling any of these stories [i don't feel like they are mine to share], but they are incredible, and have reminded me of a lot. they have reminded me that God is still present in this world, and miracles do happen. they reminded me that there are still good people out in the world, even though so many times we only see hatred and anger. his stories made me want to do more with my life. they reminded me that cities are able to pull together, and work together for the greater good. the stories reminded me that one person's love and compassion, just one, can make a big difference. the things that detoy told me, reminded me that i have so much to be thankful for, and that life shouldn't be about what you do or how much money you make, but it needs to be about giving your life away.

BEAUTIFULLY written post, my friend. Such sincere words and lots of truth! I'm thankful that there are still good people out there.