graduation, was, bittersweet. i expected to be filled with a lot more tears than i was [actually, i got the majority of my tears out at convocation friday morning]. the whole weekend was just a whirlwind, and a part of me is still in shock that it actually happened. six years. six years, and one trip across the stage, and that was it. it was over. my nursing cohort will probably all never be together again, which is just so weird. you spend two years [two of the hardest years of your life might i add] with these people, and one walk across the stage, and its over. one walk across the stage, and we were all thrown into this thing called life. we were all thrown into this thing that speeds by like a freight train, and there is no way to slow it down. we were all thrown into thing called life where the days, the weeks, and the months begin to blur together; and there is no longer separation of time by semesters, papers, and classes. we were all handed back our life that night, and given the freedom to do what we want, and that is scary. we no longer have school to rely on as an excuse for why something isn't done, we are now completely responsible for ourselves and how our life turns out. graduation day. it was one of the greatest days of my life, and also one of the scariest. it was really the first day when i had to officially enter the real world, and i responded by saying "it's been a long time coming, and it turns out, i am really scared to meet you..."

i still can't believe i'm done. God has been faithful, and i know he will continue to be as i enter this new chapter of my life. i am excited to see where He takes me next. thank you to all my dear friends and family who helped get me to this point, i couldn't have done it without you. love you all more than you will ever know.
yeah!!! so excited for you. so glad i got to see you again :) i miss you already. and i love the new look for the blog. keep posting!