so, i really try to separate my life and
not talk about work on my blog. why you ask? well, i think when i first started working i let work
become my life, and let's face it, that is simply not healthy. sometimes though, it's hard. especially when you spend
1/3 of your life at work. anywho, that was a tangent. the reason that
i am writing about work is because they released the top ten people who ran the most calls in 2010. and, ladies and gentlemen, wait for it...drum roll please....i was number
4. i ran 1,216 calls last year.
and can i add, that was with
barely any overtime, cashing in 4 days of paid time off, and having to give away a couple of shifts because of school. actually, 6 out of the top 10 people were from my station.
bam. maybe you don't work in ems, and this number means nothing to you, but that breaks down to about 11 transports a shift [which is a lot].
my friend [and old partner] rudy took the number 1 spot. he ran nearly 1,500 calls. that is a lot of calls people.
a lot of calls. he gave himself the title
lifesaver of the year. as you can see below, he is always prepared, always ready...

thank you for humoring me...i promise i won't write about work for at least a while. time to get get back to my coffee and case study #2! happy tuesday everyone!
and on a side note, when on earth did MARCH get here!! this year is simply
flying by... oh, and i OFFICIALLY registered for the
tough mudder a couple days ago. woohoo! have
a lot of training to do before the end of may...
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