so i decided to be really honest today. actually, for those of you who really know me this won't be a shocker at all. but for those of you who are more of my acquaintance, brace yourself. i don't really date. yes, you heard me right, i just took it there, i don't really date. take a deep breath, i am not one of those nerds whose social life consists of themselves and their x-box [it is more like me and my reality tv! ha!]. it's not like i don't date at all, but i have never been that type of person to go on dates every weekend with a different person each weekend. i just haven't. i don't know if it because i get attached easily [and i am just protecting my heart], or if it is the fact that i have never really had the desire to date a million different people, but i simply don't. let's just say that i don't need more than one hand to count the number of people that i have dated in my life time. and don't get me wrong, i am perfectly ok with that. i strongly believe in quality, not quantity.
now, i was inspired to write this post as a response to a recent goal that i made with a friend who's dating life is similar to mine. 1 date. yes, you heard me [well, essentially us] right. our goal this semester is to simply go on 1 date. now, to the average person, this sounds ridiculous, i realize that. and i may very well regret posting this tomorrow, but i just felt the need for some honesty here. so yes, 1 date. and this is a [bigger] deal for a person who doesn't really date [at all], and who hasn't been on a date in, well, [a considerable amount of time]. it will be interesting to see if i actually meet this goal. but i am trying to branch out of my comfort zone. and put myself out there more [this goes along with my new years resolution of embracing my life]. so we will see if this goal is accomplished before may 7th, i am just glad that i have a dear friend with a similar goal :]

Oh my goodness! 1) I didn't know you had a blog! 2) THAT PICTURE IS AWESOME! I'd never seen it before!