rang in the new year in las vegas with devon, steve, amy, and aaron...
welcomed my nephew avery rock rivas into the world.
took and PASSED the cpat.
was promoted to associate supervisor.
trained four new employees at work.
climbed half dome for a second time.
got a second tattoo (his wounds have paid my ransom...).
bought a new car.
made a lot of bad hair decisions [i was born to be blonde].
moved into my very own apartment.
went snowboarding with kara.
began applying to fire departments.
saw my dear friend charissa after a year and a half (still missing you lady).
lost my dear partner to glendale fire department a/o program (go team thompson).
got a new great partner that is teaching me so much (detoooyyy).
moved to c shift (burckle, estrada, detoy...you keep my life interesting).
recertified as an emt.
did a lot of push-ups...but not enough.
watched my small group of girls finish high school and begin their journey as college students.
began attending rock harbor fullerton.
made some new, amazing, friends.
got closer to friends i already had.
turned 23.
saw beth and anna graduate from nursing school!
learned a lot about love...
went on a behind the scenes tour of the wb studios.
saw my roommates skyler and bri graduate from apu.
weddings attended:
david and candace
taylar and tim
chawna and dana
skyler and chris
kim and ricky
beth and eric (i was there in spirit!)
the town
my sister's keeper
the time traveler's wife
valentine's day
chorus line [the musical. it was SO good.]
i know i am forgetting a lot on this list...
traveled to:
las vegas (2x)
yosemite (1x)
julian (1x)
carpinteria (1x)
san diego (not enough)
[i need to travel more...]
classes conquered:
community health
nursing theory
nursing research
mental health

You did a LOT in 2010. So proud of you :)